Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Creating safety nets to the EC directives

Creating safety nets to the EC directives________________________________________
Dhaka : 5 January election polling station around the country and around the world have ordered the creation of a security zone for the Election Commission ( EC ) . At the time the law - enforcement patrol members were instructed joradarerao .
On the other hand , from 8 am to 3 January, the EC has ordered to stop the campaign . Also all across the country from midnight to 4 January traffic stop unauthorized yanabahana EC announced .
Returning officers sent to the EC Directive on Wednesday, deputy secretary Mihir Sarwar Morshed said , the Presiding around the security fence would restrict movement of all types of vehicles and people . Law - Order of the mobile strike force team and make sure the patrol will periodically patrol around Presiding strengthen .
The main opposition party to boycott elections in the tenth block programs underway nationwide .
There are 153 seats in the vote at the election . There are going to be voting in the polling station 18 of 147 seats in the 09 .
Meanwhile, election materials and ballot papers were sent to the area .
The EC Directive , peparasaha election ballot goods store with the highest safety , Assistant Returning to office and distribution center will get the job done .
Peparasaha ballot before voting day on Saturday Presiding Officers took the goods in the center of the law - including enforcement position. To ensure the security of the polling stations will be voting .
Returning Officer in coordination with the law - enforcement agencies and armed forces personnel will ensure the safety of Advantage .
147 of 390 seats in the candidate . 4 crore 39 lakh 38 thousand 938 voters in the area, John . There will be 09 polling stations in 18 of the 91 of the 13 bhotakaksa .
The EC Director ( PR ) ASM Asaduzzaman has been signed another letter on Wednesday , 05 January, 014 in the coming parliamentary elections and polling will be held on the tenth . Representation of the People Order , 197 Article 78 in accordance with the vote of the previous 48 hours , ie , 03 January, 014 ( Friday ) at 08 am and Polling ends in the next 48 hours , ie , 07 January, 014 ( Friday ) at 4 pm until time of any constituency konano a meeting called , to join in the ceremony or a rally or procession to organize and konobyakti , can join .
Also within the specified period or bisrnkhalamulaka treat hinsratamulaka work , intimidated voters or election activities or duties of the individuals involved , any weapons or energy can not be displayed .

Any person who violates the provisions of the less than 0 ( two ) years and not more than seven years ' rigorous imprisonment and a fine will be penalized .
Tomorrow 4 Jan 014 midnight 1 hour from the voting day, ie 05 January, 014 midnight and 1 pm until the constituency taxi , bebityaksi / rickshaw , microbus , Jeep , pickup , car , bus , truck , tempo , launch , Peppered , injinabota , transport restriction imposed said .
Metropolitan areas, taxi , microbus , the restrictions on movement of the pickup and Jeep . But across the country from midnight on 03 January, 07 January, 014 of 014 motorcycles restriction remain in force until midnight .Election law - enforcement , administration and permitted observers , journalists and election agents will be instructed not to apply . Election observers and polling agents of the vehicles use the stickers provided to the Commission . This prohibition does not apply to the National haioyegulora .

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