Sunday, 29 December 2013

Gopalganj : What is democracy

Gopalganj : What is democracy ?________________________________________
Our country has seen for quite a while as a sort of anti- partisan political campaigns ' date ' is based . This will not do such a gathering would be October 5 this deficiency was not speculated about . While we are on the country's political scene , or something that may have not been a big change . Then we saw another date is set in the victory . 9 December and was given the name of the program " March for Democracy " this Sunday will be the end of inquietude Not all interests . Speculation continues to imagine the kinds again . How is the scary environment. Sunday was no assembly ; was seen leaders of the opposition leader . Now the question may come if leaders were arrested opposition leaders , activists will rally if the barriers are , how they ?
BNP - Jamaat and other opposition leaders - who do you think the staff will smooth the path of their movement ? If you see the political history of our country, the state of the party in power , whether they want to give the opposition parties do not discount that sense . When the party was in power in the state and the exemptions allowing the opposition party ? The " March for Democracy " party leaders announced that they had gathered all the bumps periyei will succeed . Come the obstacles they have to learn , and they are still able to do the assembly , the assembly was in place did not meet their leader karmike ?
This is not the opposition 's never been arrested in this country - not torture , still the leader of the Workers Party , but am taking the field , the movement of the assembly .
The exception is seen . With a date set by the human mind with speculations Home hayanii the rally was seen , there are no leaders and activists in the field . This suggests , then what ? The leader of the group - and leaders netrira were unable to convince their staff properly - do not trust the leaders of the parties .
BNP leader Khaleda Zia on Saturday we saw in the news do not go to the place of assembly staff spoke with the news media . At one point we saw on television nirapattakarmike kathopakothana A woman turns to Khaleda Zia : " This woman , why do not you speak ? He said so many things . Where is the country ? Gopali ? Gopalganj district will change name . Gopalganj will vanish . "A leader who was twice prime minister and current opposition leader said he would do , just do not get it . Why have so many grievances with the district ? And if so, what those jelai anger will vanish ? And districts will have to change the name ? Anger at what ?Khaleda Zia said the new kind of politics that would Samples of this new kind of politics ? As a new kind of politics , then we will see if the issue is a little bit difficult for us to make it clear that you think would benefit . This is exactly what it is trying to change the name of the Univ ? Seeking to change the name or what ? Nor the fact that this name change is not what should be a democratic way ? If the democracy is so to speak the name of the district without having to talk with residents sitting exactly how democracy is supposed to change , there is need to consider .

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